The Young Americans

The Young Americans are scheduled to present a three day workshop to Clinton Community School District students on March 21-23.  The Young Americans are a non-profit educational performance institute formed in 1962 by successful Hollywood music composer Milton C. Anderson.  Anderson’s philosophy remains unchanged today “to provide talented young student performers with education in music, dance, performing arts and teaching.  Then support these members as they teach and inspire younger students throughout the world.”

The Young Americans Performing Arts Workshop brings a combination of energy, teamwork, and confidence, using performance arts as the tool. The specially-trained cast of college-aged performers provides a safe and exciting atmosphere for you to learn, create, and grow! This comprehensive arts education workshop includes everything from singing, dancing and acting to creating characters and blocking numbers!  We can’t wait to make the magic happen with you!

The registration window is live:  This workshop is open to all interested students in the CCSD in grades 4-12.  The cost of the three day workshop is $100.  Financial assistance is available for those students where the cost is a barrier and would lower the cost to $50. 

Another aspect of the workshop is the homestay program.  Since these are college students, any Clinton families that would be interested in hosting from 2-4 Young Americans in their home, there is a sign-up for that as well.  Responsibilities would include providing sleeping arrangements, some meals, and transportation from your home to CHS.  Preference will go to CHS students first, followed by CMS, and then elementary student families.

On the evening of March 23, there will be a public performance in two parts.  The first act will be the Young Americans which will be an off-Broadway level performance.  The second act will be the students performing with the Young Americans on a show that was built over the three day workshop. 

The Young Americans are one of the most positive young role models I have ever experienced.  This is an amazing opportunity for our students.  If you have questions, please email Mr. DeLacy at